Here you can find all the resources for members, volunteers, and friends of TAF. Many of the digital forms and information cards can be downloaded from here for your own records. If there is something you are looking for that you can’t find, feel free to contact us.
Gallery and Exhibition Resources
Exhibition and installation guidelines.
TAF Truitt Gallery floor plan.
TAF Wabash National Gallery floor plan.
TAF Lovell Gallery floor plan.
TAF pedestal inventory.
Hanging system diagram.
Hi-hook walker hanging system attachments.
Hi-holder walker hanging system attachments.
Long-holder walker hanging system attachments.
Single-clip walker hanging system attachments.
Twin-clip walker hanging system attachments.
Event Resources
TASTE of Tippecanoe website.
Lafayette-West Lafayette events calendar.
Out and About Arts website.
Bravo for the Arts
2020 proclamation and awards ceremony.
2020 IAC regional initiative grantee review.
2020 NCHS grantee review.