I am a kiln formed glass artist who specializes in works inspired by nature. I utilize glass both as a canvas and a medium and my work is created with a painterly approach and is representational with a touch of whimsy.
I take inspiration from nature, the bulk of my work is rough sketched in pencil & paper as concepts and then executed with fusible glass in all colors of the rainbow. I use traditional cold glass forming methods and layer glass to be fused together with the heat of a kiln. The majority of my work is fired multiple times and employs sheet glass, frit, powder, enamels, underglaze, torch created elements and forms created by me with stainless steel, steel wire, ceramic and fiberglass to achieve shape and movement.
I have been creating since my years in public education. I was introduced to glass as a medium in 2007 and have employed my background in fine art in addition to over 15 years of experimenting with glass to achieve my current art works. My mentors have included Mark Hufford, Stephanie O’Toole, Jim Matthews and classes with Craig Mitchell Smith and Paul Messink.