Farneti Studio (Ataloops)

Organization Member

West Lafayette, IN

We strive to create whimsical and fine pieces of ceramics, while also focusing on the intersection between art and technology. We are aspiring to get into the educational side of the art world and increase our outreach.

We spend most days in our garage-turned-pottery-studio and throw for hours, seeking the best shapes and forms we can create. We then trim the pieces until they are dangerously thin, fire them into ceramics, coat with our homemade glazes, and finally glaze fire them into a finished product. Other hand-built pieces go through days of meticulously adding clay layer by layer, sculpting gravity-defying and crazy pieces that are then finished in the same way as the thrown pieces.

We have been making art our entire lives, however, our professional art journey started only a year ago with the creation of Ataloops. Our first introduction to ceramics was during our time in the Purdue Studio Arts Program, but most of the skills we have now came from our own research and practice.